How Do I Make A Standard Table Booking?
You can contact us directly on +27 72 609 5500 or book via our website.
We recommend booking in advance to secure your preferred date and time.
How Do I Cancel A Booking?
To cancel a booking made through Dineplan, follow these steps:
- Find Your Confirmation Email: Locate the email from Dineplan with your booking details.
- Click the Manage Booking Link: Use the link in the email to open the booking management page.
- Select the Cancel Option: Click “Cancel” to start the cancellation process.
- Confirm Your Cancellation: Confirm when prompted to finalize your cancellation.
- Look for a Confirmation Email: Ensure you receive an email confirming the cancellation.
If you encounter any issues, contact Dineplan support or our manager directly for assistance.
What Happens If I Don't Reconfirm My Booking?
If you don’t reconfirm your booking when requested, there’s a risk that your reservation could be cancelled. Reconfirmation helps ensure that we know you’re planning to attend, allowing us to manage your bookings and seating arrangements effectively.
Can I Make Special Requests Or Accommodate Dietary Restrictions?
Yes, you can make special requests or accommodate dietary restrictions according to our menu when booking through Dineplan. Here’s how to do it:
- During Booking: While booking your table on Dineplan, there’s typically a section for additional comments or special requests. Use this section to specify dietary restrictions, seating preferences, or other special needs.
Does GH On Festival Offer Private Event Hosting?
Yes, GH on Festival offers private event hosting. We provide a beautiful setting for a variety of events, including corporate functions, weddings, birthday celebrations, and other special gatherings. Our team works with you to ensure your event is tailored to your needs, offering excellent service and a refined atmosphere.
To inquire about hosting a private event, contact our bookings manager, and we’ll be happy to assist you with planning and booking. Whether you’re looking for an intimate setting or a larger space for a grand celebration, we have options to suit your event. Reach out to us today to learn more and secure your booking.
Does GH On Festival Have A Dress Code?
Yes, GH on Festival has a dress code. We ask our guests to dress in smart casual attire. This typically means attire that is neat, polished, and appropriate for a semi-formal setting. While there’s no strict requirement for formalwear, we do request that guests avoid overly casual clothing such as shorts, tank tops, or flip-flops.
Our dress code helps maintain an elegant atmosphere for all guests. If you have questions about appropriate attire or need further guidance, please contact us. We look forward to welcoming you with style and comfort.
What Payment Methods Does GH On Festival Accept?
We accept major credit cards, including Visa, and MasterCard.
We also accept cash payments.
Can I Pay Using Mobile Payment Services?
Yes, you can pay using mobile payment services at GH on Festival. We accept popular mobile payment options like Apple Pay and Google Pay, offering you a convenient and contactless way to settle your bill.
Simply inform your server that you’d like to use a mobile payment service when you’re ready to pay. They will guide you through the process, ensuring a smooth transaction.
Is A Deposit Required For Making A Reservation?
Yes, a deposit is required for making a reservation at GH on Festival. The deposit helps secure your booking and will be applied toward your final bill on the day of your visit.
Can I Split The Bill If Dining With A Group?
Yes, you can split the bill when dining with a group at GH on Festival. Our staff is accustomed to handling split bills and can assist you with dividing the total among your group according to your preferences.
Are Gratuities Included In The Bill?
Yes, gratuities are included in the bill at GH on Festival. This means that a service charge is automatically added to your final total, which covers the gratuity for our staff.
Is There A Cancellation Fee For Reservations?
No, there is no cancellation fee for reservations at GH on Festival. You can cancel your reservation without any penalty, provided you do so within our allowed cancellation timeframe. However, it’s important to cancel in advance to give us time to adjust our seating arrangements and accommodate other guests.
If you paid a deposit when making your reservation, it will be refunded if you cancel within the permitted timeframe. For specific details about our cancellation policy or to cancel your booking, you can use Dineplan’s manage booking feature or contact us directly.